The Descent Lineages of the
House of Seton

family name of Seton, spelt in "The Muses' Welcome" as
Sea-towne and signifying "the dwelling by the sea"
and which referred originally to the family's principal
lands at Staithes circa 1066, the patronymic Scottish
Estate stands on a picturesque plateau in a recess of
the shores of Cockenzie and Port Seton in East Lothian,
high above the bays with it's flowing brooklet and
surrounded by ancient trees, and was long the residence
of the Head of Family of Seton.
Our name was
given us by the King, and where King Malcolm Canmore "gaif
to the predecessour and forebear of my Lord Seytoun the
surename of Seytoun... appearandlie be ressoun that the
gentilman... possessit the landis of Seytoun for the
tyme... thay landis ar callit Seytoun for ane grit caus,
becaus thay ly hard upon the Sey cost and the Toun
thairof is neir to the Sey."
There are still, a great many
branches of the family of Seton surviving to this day,
scattered across the entire globe. Many of the
junior son's of the various lines of the family were
unrecorded, leaving a great many branches 'unattached'.
And what was once an intricately known lineage, has been
somewhat lost through time. Here then, are the
beginnings of restoring the knowledge of all of the
branches of the family, from every line, whether Seton,
Seyton, Seytoun, Seeton, Seaton or Sitton (of Cariston
in the Netherlands).
Recent examples of re-connected,
or properly corrected descents, would be: William
Winston Seaton of Washington, who's ancestor was the 3rd
son of Sir John Seton 4th of Barnes, Henry Seaton, who
settled into Virginia in 1690; or that of Alexander
Seaton Minister of Banff, who was the second son of
Alexander Seaton 2nd of Pitmedden, and who's descendants
include many of the early 'Seaton's' in Kentucky,
Massachussetts, New Hampshire, Ohio and Virginia, etc...
and which missing family-line descent connections have
long troubled those branches of the family.
A more important work, is the
documenting of the senior lines of the House, those of
the line of John Seton, the illegitimate son of George
5th Earl of Winton from his mistress, Elizabeth
Stevenson, along with the Seton's of St. Germains, The
Seton-Winton's of Sussex descended from Francis Seton
the son of George 3rd Earl of Winton who fled to France,
and the Seton's of Barnes who's entire line has largely
been ignored save only the eldest son's, over the
initial 5 generations, and, that of the Seton's of
Hailes, who's younger son also left issue.
Many careless writer's for the
simplicity of their work, penned either that the younger
son's 'died young', or completely ignored younger
son's. This has lefta great many modern-day Seton's who
legitimately belong to the House of Seton, undocumented.
Therefore this work of the Descent Charts, seeks to
remedy this long-standing problem and re-assemble the
family. In fact it was this project that brought
about this entire website of ''. |