George Seton of the Cariston Family wrote the first outline of
the Lathrisk Family as per immediately below, and Seton of
Abercorn later wrote the outline that follows further below.
John Seton, third son of Sir Gilbert Seton, the third Laird of
Parbroath, married Jonet, daughter and heiress of Lathrisk of
that ilk, in the county of Fife, and was ancestor of the Setons
of Lathrisk and Balbirnie, and perhaps also of the wild Setons
of Clatto Tower.
'West of King-Kettle,' says Sir Robert Sibbald, 'is Lathrisk, an
old house with gardens and enclosures, the seat of Mr. Patrick
Seton, a cadet of the Earls of Winton: a predecessor of his got
these lands by marrying the heiress, of the same name with the
lands.' From numerous entries in the public records, as well as
other sources, it was endeavoured to compile a pedigree of the
Lathrisk branch, which is known to have been connected by
marriage with the families of Bethune of Balfour, Spens of
Lathallan, Echlin of Pitaddro, and Moncrieff of Reidie.
The line of descent which is below indicated may be corrected and
enlarged after further investigation.
Branch Cadets of the Seton's of Lathrisk
With regard to the branch of Balbirnie, the annexed
pedigree-timeline is noted from record entries :
John Seton of Lathrisk.
1513-32. John Seton of Balbirnie. David Seton.
1565. Alexander Seton David Seton. James Seton.
Seton of Balbirnie=Elizabeth Vallange.
1595. John Seton of Pittedie.
The following is a summary of the principal entries in the
public registers relative to the Setons of Lathrisk :
On the 10th of August 1511, there is a precept for charter to
'John Setoun of Lauthreisk ' of the lands of Fairlielands and
Riggis, in the barony of Lathrisk and sheriffdom of Fife, which
the King unites with the
lands and barony of Wester Lathrisk. A curious entry
occurs in the Register, under date 26th January 1513-14. Mr.
Henry Ouhyte, forespeaker for Thomas Ballingall, asked an
instrument that Mr. David Setoun, forespeaker for John Setoun of
Lathrisk and John Setoun of Balbirnie, granted that ' the hors
swerd and ax at war pvindyt on the lands of Riggs was baith for
the malis and annuale of the saidis landis.'
On the 29th February 1540 we find a letter of regress to 'John
Seytoun of Lauthrisk' over part of the lands of Kilmaron, in the
shire of Fife, sold by him to William Hunter and Grissel Ramsay
his spouse. And three years later (30th April 1543) there is a
letter of gift to John Seytoun of Lathrisk, Janet Auchmouty his
spouse, and their heirs, of the non-entries of the lands of
Mylntoun of Orky, etc., of all terms that they had been in the
Queen's hands since the death of Alexander Lathrisk.
On the 7th of July 1545, compeared Mr. James M'Gill, procurator
for Lawthrisk of that ilk, and alleged that the action intended
by John Setoun of Lawthrisk cannot have process at this time, by
reason that there is a proclamation made that all men prepare
and make ready to pass forward on the 28th instant; and
therefore, both by practice and law, they ought not at present
to compear before the Lords, to pursue and defend their rights.
In 1551 (7th May) we find a precept for charter to John Seytoun
of Lathrisk, Janet Auchmouty, his spouse, in liferent, and John
Seytoun their son and apparent heir, heritably, of the lands of
Wester Lathrisk, Auchland, Darnoch, etc., all in the shire of
Fife, which had been resigned by John Seytoun, the elder, in the
hands of the Lord Governor at Edinburgh.
1 Register of Privy Seal, vol. iv. fol. 155. 4
Register of Privy Seal, vol. xvii. fol. 46.
See also vol. xii. fol. 41. 5 Acta Dom. Con. et Sess., vol.
xxviii. fol. 27.
2 Ibid. vol. xxvi. part ii. fol. 6. Register of Privy Seal, vol.
xxiv. fol. 84.
3 Ibid. vol. xiv. fol. 70.
The same year (17th July) there is a presentation to Gilbert
Seytoun, son of John Seytoun of Lathrisk, to the vicarage of
Strathmiglo, in the diocese of Dunkeld, rendered vacant by the
resignation or demission of Mr. David Seytoun.
On the 24th of October 1575 there is a renunciation by
Christopher Seytoun, brother and retoured heir of the deceased
Mr. George Seytoun, of a quarter of the lands of Lathrisk called
Langflat, to John Seytoun, now of Lathrisk, his brother's son,
by receipt of 250 merks in redemption of the same. And in
the following year (1st June 1576) we find a discharge by James
and Andrew Setoun, brothers-german of Patrick Setoun, son of the
deceased John Setoun of Lathrisk, to Robert Stewart of Rossyth,
for the sum of 1000 merks, in redemption of the third part of
the lands of Cragye, in the barony of Rossyth and sheriffdom of
Fife, sold to the said Patrick under reversion.
Finally, on the 27th of July 1597, letters are purchased at the
instance of John Seytoun of Lathrisk, 'oy and heir of the
deceased John Seytoun of Lathrisk, his guidschir,' against
Patrick Hunter, making mention that the pursuer is duly served
as nearest heir of his grandfather in certain portions of the
lands of Newton of Reres, in the sheriffdom of Fife,
notwithstanding which the said Patrick pretends right to the
foresaid lands. The Lords of Council accordingly remit the
matter to the Steward or Sheriff of Fife, or their deputes, for
In the year 1634 Patrick Seton of Lathrisk was elected an elder
for the parish of Kettle ; and eleven years later (1645) he
appears as a witness to a baptism.
The will of John Seton, fiar of Lathrisk, who married a daughter
of Sir Michael Balfour of Denmiln, is dated in the year 1650,
and there is sasine to him of the lands of Falkland.
On the 12th of October 1720 we find an entry in the Kettle
Register relative to the marriage of Alexander Williamson, late
bailie in Kirkcaldy, to ' Mrs. Agnes Seton, lawful daughter of
the laird of
1. John Seton, third son of Sir Gilbert Seton of Parbroath,
married, as already stated, Jonet, daughter and heiress of
Lathrisk of that ilk, and was father of:
1 Register of Privy Seal, vol. xxiv. fol. 87.
2 Acts and Decreets, vol. xiv. fol. 328.
3 Ibid. vol. xv. fol. 149.
4 Acts and Decreets, vol. clxxi. fol. 124.
5 Kettle Parochial Register.
6 Register of Fife Sasines, vol. x. p. 338.
John Seton of Lathrisk, who had a charter from King James iv.,
dated at Edinburgh 4th April 1495, in the lifetime of his
parents, of the lands of Wester Lathrisk and others. His
name turns up in the public records during the first half of the
sixteenth century. By his wife, Janet Auchmouty, he appears to
have had three sons and three daughters : —
1. John, his successor.
2. Christopher, whose son Alexander
was legitimated by royal rescript in 1558.
3. Gilbert, vicar of Strathmiglo in 1551
4. Elizabeth, married to James Spens
of Lathallan before 1 564. 3
5. Janet, married about 1550 to Ber-
nard Oliphant. 4
6. Margaret, married to Robert Hunter
of Newton of Reres.
John Seton of Lathrisk was succeeded by his eldest son:
John Seton of Lathrisk, who married Alisone Bonar, by whom he
appears to have had several sons :
1, 2, 3, 4; George, Christopher, James, Andrew, and 5; Captain
Patrick Seton, who died 'at Elgin, in Moray, in the hous of the
richt nobill and potent Lord, Alexander Lord Fyvie, President,'
on the 16th of February 1600. By his will, dated two
days previously, he left various legacies to nephews and other
relatives — among the rest, 900 merks and his ' monturs (saddle-
horses) to be as heirship to John Seton, his nephew and heir of
line ' ; and to Janet Duddingston, Lady Lathallan, 200 merks, '
together with his bracelets of gold, silver salt-fatt
{salt-cellar), and two spoons, with a coupe (cup).'
1 Register of Great Seal, Lib. xiii. No. 151.
2 Register of Privy Seal, xxix. 59.
3 Ibid. xxiv. 105, and Douglas's Baronage of
Scotland, p. 293.
4 Register of Great Seal, xxxii. 653.
5 Ibid. xxx. 738.
6 Setons Memoir of Chancellor Seton, p. 127.
4. George Seton (younger) of Lathrisk, was alive in 1575, and
appears to have predeceased his father, as the next laird.
5. John Seton of Lathrisk, alive in 1597, succeeded his
grandfather John. His wife may have been Margaret, daughter of
Thomas Ross of Craigie, 1 and his children seem to have been :
1. Patrick, his successor.
2. Alexander, who may have been the ' Alexander Seatton of
Lachrist,' who carried the arms of the Earl of Cassilis at the
funeral of Chancellor Seton in 1622.
6. Patrick Seton of Latkrisk, succeeded his father not later
than 1643, in which year we have seen that he was elected an
elder for the parish of Kettle.
The name of his wife does not appear, but his children seem to
have been :
1. John, fiar of Lathrisk, whose will is dated 1650.
2. Katherine, who married first, in 1629, Andrew Moncrieff of
Reidie, and secondly, in 1645, General John Leslie of Myres.
3. Margaret, who married, in 1648, Francis Hay of Strowie.
John Seton, fiar of Lathrisk, who probably died before his
father, married a daughter of Sir Michael Balfour of Denmiln,
and appears to have had three sons and three daughters :
1, 2, 3. John, Michael, James. 4, 5, 6. Grizel, Barbara, and
On the 9th of August 1642 there is a charter, by King Charles
the First, to John Seton, fiar of Lathrisk, of the lands of the
Mains of Malar, with the tower, fortalice, and manor-place, and
salmon fishings on the water of Earn, lying in the parish of
Forteviot and shire of Perth, on resignation thereof by Hew
Moncrieff, sometime of Malar.
1 Pitcairn's Criminal Trials, iii. 583.
2 Seton's Memoir of Chancellor Seton, p. 142.
3 Seton's House of Moncrieff, p. 46.
4 Douglas's Baronage of Scotland, p. 584.
8. John Seton of Lathrisk, the eldest son, may have been the '
Laird of Lathrisk,' whose lawful daughter, ' Mrs. Agnes Seton,'
as already stated, married Alexander Williamson, Bailie in
Kirkcaldy, in the year 1720, about which date the
property of Lathrisk appears to have passed out of the hands of
the Setons.
Armorial Bearings.
The incorrect arms for the Setons of Lathrisk written according to Nisbet
were said to have been, '...in use
to carry the paternal coat of Seton — or, three crescents within
the royal tressure gules — with a boar's head in the centre, for
difference, being the
armorial figure of the name of Lathrisk.'
In actual fact the arms of Seton of Lathrisk are: the paternal
coat of Seton — or, three crescents within the royal tressure
gules — with a slip of rose in fess, gules.
The crest and motto do not appear to be on record, and are
assumed as that of the paternal Seton, and of Seton of
Parbroath: Crest; a Wyvern, vert, sprouting fire proper - Motto;
Hazard Yet Forward.
Here follows Seton of Abercorn's outline:
Setons of Lathrisk
This family was derived from John Seton, third son of Sir
Gilbert Seton of Parbroath and Marion Pitcairn (temp James III
and IV) . He married the daughter and heiress of Lathrisk of
that ilk, and had with her Wester and part of Easter Lathrisk.
The family of Lathrisk had been settled there as far back as
1296, when one William signed the Ragman Roll.
These Seton's dispersed soon after 1746.
1 . John Seton of Lathrisk
He married Janet, daughter of Lathrisk of that ilk, and had with
her the barony of Wester Lathrisk.
They had two sons:
1. John who succeeded.
2. David of whom nothing is known.
2 . John Seton of Lathrisk ob. after 1551.
On 11th April 1495 his mother resigned to him and he had a
regrant of Wester Lathrisk and part of Easter Lathrisk.
He married Janet Auchmouty and had issue:
1. John who succeeded.
2. Christopher is referred to in Letters of
Legitimisation of his natural son Alexander on 15th Jan. 1555/6,
and in the purchase of Torsoppy on the Tay on 30th April 1556 1
-and Porgandenny in Perthshire.
3. Gilbert was presented to the vicarage of Strathmiglo on 17th
July 1551.
4. Elizabeth married James Spens of Lathallan.
5. Janet married about 1550 Bernard Oliphant .
6. Margaret married Robert Hunter of Newton
There is a record in the Register of the Scots College of Douai of
a Gilbert Seton who was dismissed from the College on 6th June
1620 for insolence. He may have been a son of one of the above
Setons . He may also have been the Gilbert
Cetoun who was taken prisoner at Callo on 15th March 1639 when
serving in Col. Balfour's Scots Regiment.
1. Reg. Mag. Sig. XIII. 151.
2. Reg. Mag. Sig. XXXII. 269.
3 . John Seton of Lathrisk ob. 1575 ?
His father resigned his estates to him on 7th May 1551.
He married Alisone Bonar of Rossie Fife and had issue:
1. James was in 1565 declared rebel, along with several other
Seton's for an assault on Francis Douglas of Borg. He
predeceased his father.
His wife may have been Isabel Balfour, widow of John Seton of
Cariston who died before 20th July 1573. He may have left a son
2. George was in 1575 spoken of as "younger
"of Lathrisk", but he too predeceased his father.
3. Christopher .
4. Andrew may be the individual mentioned in a Swedish pay list
of 1564 for services in the army in Lirland.
5. "Captain Patrick " served in the French Gens d'armes Ecossais -
was probably the Captain Seton who John Leslie, writing to Lord
Edward Stuart on 7th June 1585, said was serving with him in
Ghent. He may also have been the Colonel
Seton who commanded a Scottish contingent near Ghent in the
summer of 1582, when the Prince of Parma was beseiging Oudenarde.
He died in the house of Alexander Seton, Lord Fyvie on 16th Feb.
1600, and left 900 merks. He bought the ecclesiastical lands of
Strathmiglo from his uncle George Seton.
1. Reg. Mag. Sig. XXXII 294, 296.
2. Reg. Privy Seal XXIV 82.
3. Hist. MSS. Comn App to 5th Report 654 (Maxwell Witham papers)
4. Reg. Mag. Sig. XXX 679, 738-
4. John Seton of Lathrisk ob. 1643.
He was probably grandson of the preceding John.
On 8th July 1601 he was retoured heir to his uncle Patrick in
the "vicaria" of Strathmiglo.
He married Margaret daughter of Thomas Ross of Craigie and had
1. Patrick who succeeded.
2. Alexander was Captain in a body of troops
raised for the war in Germany where he was killed.
John Seton died at an advanced age in 1643.
5. Patrick Seton of Lathrisk ob. 1665
In or about 1599 he married Barbara Arnot, and had issue:
John "fiar of Lathrisk" who died in 1650, having married
Grissell, daughter of Sir Michael Balfour of Denmiln, and
leaving several children, of whom John succeeded.
Patrick died 14th October 1665.
1. Fischer: Scots in Sweden 49.
2. Hist. MSS. Comm 11 . Ill 99 (Hatfield MSS).
3. Scots Brigades in Holland (Sco. Hist. Soc*) 1. 22, 24.
6. John Seton of Lathrisk .
On 18th June 1669 he had a charter of the lands of Wester and
Easter Lathrisk, incorporated into a single barony in favour of
himself and his wife Agnes Beatoun.
From this point it is difficult to determine the succession and
relationships of the members of the family. They will therefore
be treated individually.
John Seton may have been son of the preceding John. He joined
the Royal Army at Dunfermline in 1715, and was nearly captured
by a party of Argyle's force under Colonel Cathcart. He died
about 1720.
Patrick Seton was also out in the '15 and was forfeited."
Christopher Seton probably son of one of the two preceding. As
the Lathrisk estates had been forfeited he became a merchant in
Methil, Fife. He came out in the '45, with his son Alexander,
and was employed in collecting funds for the Prince.
William Seton non-juring Minister of Forfar, was imprisoned in
Montrose on 19th May 1746 for "preaching "a rebellious sermon".
He was released in August.
Alexander Seton son of Christopher. Described as "paymaster
general to the Rebells" and as "Collector "of Excise" under the
Earl of Kellie. After Culloden he hid in Atholl and ultimately
got abroad. He was apparently the last of the family.
1. Lamont: Diary 18 2.
2. Reg. Mag. Sig. LXII 90.
3. Forfeited Estates Papers (Sco. Hist. Soc ) XXIII.