Captain Sir
4th Baronet
of Abercorn, Baron of Culbeg, Lineal
Representative of Touch
Captain Sir Henry Seton,
of Abercorn and Culberg -
Sir Henry Seton, Fourth Baronet of Abercorn was a captain in
the Seventeenth Regiment of Foot, and served in North America. Sir Henry married
Margaret Hay
(1770), daughter to
Alexander Hay of Drumelzier, by whom he had a son Alexander, who succeeded him
on his death in 1788.
The marriage to Margaret Hay brought the lineal
bloodline of the Seton's, from Viscount Kingston's line, to that of the
Abercorn's and for which they had been openly acknowledged, even as public as a
letter published in the Chicago Tribune by the Marquis De Fontenoy in January
3rd, 1905. In 1923 Sir Bruce Gordon Seton, 9th Baronet,
petitioned the Crown for his right to the title of Lord
Gordon. Although the Committee for Privileges of the
House of Lords admitted that he was the heir male of the
first Earl of Huntly they decided that he had not provided
enough evidence of the creation and existence of the title
of Lord Gordon.
Sir Henry Seton
gazetted a captain in one of three Additional Companies of the 78th Fraser
Highlanders on July 17, 1757 -
bringing the total companies in the 78th's establishment up to thirteen. Ian
McCulloch notes that Captain Seton's company went to Halifax, Nova Scotia but
remained there in garrison on guard duty as they were considered not to be
sufficiently trained for the Louisbourg expedition. Seton's company rejoined
the battalion on its way back to Boston and marched across Massachusetts to
spend the winter in Schenectady in the Mohawk River Valley. In the spring of
1759, Sir Henry transferred [22 April 1759] out of the 78th into the 17th Foot
(Monckton's) which formed part of Amherst's successful expedition against
Ticonderoga and Crown Point, while the 78th went via Halifax and Louisbourg to
join Wolfe's expedition against Quebec.
The following year, Sir Henry's new
regiment went north to Montreal via Crown Point with de Havilland's expedition
to take the French port city of Montreal. In 1761 his company of the 17th was
one of two assigned to Lt Col James Grant's 1761 expedition against the Cherokee
which was successful. Sir Henry then subsequently fought in the Caribbean at
Havana, Cuba and left on half-pay in 1763 at the end of the war. Golfers
might like to know that Sir Henry was the Captain of the Royal Edinburgh Company
of Golfers for 1756.
Among the Land Papers in the office of the Secretary of State at Albany, New
York, is a certificate dated December 2, 1765, from General Gage, that Capt. Sir
Henry Seton, Bart., served during the war (for the Reduction of Canada) as
aide-de-camp to Honorable Major-General Monckton; also a Petition of Colonel
Richard Maitland and Sir Henry Seton, dated December 13, 1766, for a grant of
8,000 acres to the rear of Coeyman’s confirmation; and a Return of Survey for
Sir Henry Seton, Bart., Captain, of 3,000 acres on the west side of Hudson’s
River, in the County of Albany (now Durham, Greene County); and a Map of the
same. Both Sir Henry and Colonel Maitland were particular friends of
William Seton, of New York, Rep. of the Seton's of Parbroath. Sir Henry
died in June 1788, whereby he was succeeded by his son, Sir Alexander as 5th
Baronet of Abercorn.