 Tranent Tower,
in the village of Tranent, East Lothian © 2005 | |
Tranent had been a Barony of the de Quincy's, of the
Earls of Winchester, but who forfeited the lands
during the wars of independence. The lands of
and Barony of Tranent were then awarded to the
Seton's, who had already had an interest through the
marriage with a de Quincy daughter and heiress, Jonet,
or Janet de Quincy.
Dating the Tower is difficult as title
deeds extend back five to six hundred years and more.
It is likely that the tower as it is now was built around the same
time as Falside Castle and indeed many features
indicate that both had the same builder. There is,
allegedly, a subterranean passage connecting the two
buildings. The Tower is said to have been the
only property within the Barony of Tranent which held
it's feu-charter directly of the Crown. The
"rental mail" being traditionally a snowball in
mid-summer, and a rose in mid-winter, annually.
The feu-collector was to proceed to the top of the
tower to recieve this, though how the snowball was
produced we are not told.
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