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Updated:  Sunday  01 May 2005



Sir Alexander Hay Seton

Sir Alexander Hay Seton (1904-1963) was the 10th Baron of Abercorn and Armour Bearer to the Queen. This once rich and magnificent family had lost its land and money, and for "Sandy" the title was virtually the only remnant of his wealthy past. Still, he had enough to finance a tour of the wonders of Egypt, and Sir Alexander's colourful account is given to us in his autobiography, The Transgressions of a Baronet. The account of his unpublished manuscript, although rich in detail, varies from media reports at the time.  He married Flavia Forbes (18 Dec 1902-13 Oct 1959); 17 Jun 1939 (div 1958) as her 3rd husband.  He was succeeded by his brother, actor Bruce Seton.

Both Sir Alexander and his brother Sir Bruce were accomplished Piper's:

"I was playing my bagpipes in the topmost room when Anna's Dad answered the downstairs front door  to a gentleman who introduced himself as Sir Alex Seton of Abercorn. We spoke at length about piping when he said he and his brother both played. His brother, Bruce Seton ( he played on T.V. Fabian of the Yard in later years) who had been a Major in the Black Watch during WW2 where he had learned to play the bagpipes and although he could play pretty well, he wasn't very good at writing the music of a few melodies he had composed in his head. We arranged that he duly return and bring his practice chanter with him to play his compositions when I could write them down for him."                                James Caution Pipe Major (W.O.1) R.A.M.C Pipe Band.

See an extract of Sir Alexander's unpublished autobiography, describing torment the family experienced after their holiday to Egypt:

After this there were no more incidents, but the family’s tranquillity was lost forever. Zeyla never forgave her husband for destroying the bone and their marriage disintegrated soon afterwards. Ill health and money problems hounded the family and, according to Egidia, everyone who touched the bone died prematurely.  Reflecting on it some years later, Sir Alexander had no doubt as to why the family seemed cursed.

"My own interpretation of the matter is that through some uncanny power of religion it was brought under destructive control. But if – and I emphasise the word 'if' – it really did carry a curse, as many people thought, the curse certainly did not end when I destroyed the Bone by fire, and from 1936 onwards trouble, sometimes grave, seemed to be always around the corner."

Quick Launch

The Baronet's of Abercorn

The Transgressions of a Baronet

The Mummy's Curse

The Abercorn Estate



Sir Iain Bruce Seton