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Updated:  Friday 26 November 2004




Seton Lake and the Seton Valley, near Lillooet, British Columbia

The Seton Lake and Valley in British Columbia, Canada, were named by A.C. Anderson, a cousin of son's of Seton of Mounie, in Aberdeenshire, Scotland.  Anderson who was commissioned in 1858 to survey a route from the lower Fraser River to the upper Fraser, named Seton Lake after a "near relative and playmate of my early days".  Anderson's uncle was the celebrated James Anderson of Cobinshaw who married the heiress Margaret Seton of Mounie and took his wife's name and so continued the Seton of Mounie family line. Anderson named the area after British Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Seton of Mounie.

The Lake itself measures over 1500 ft deep at it's maximum and the staggering bluffs tower around 6000 feet over the eastern section of Seton Lake at a place called McNeils, which was once one of the main villages of the Lakes Lillooet. Above these cliffs are the alpine meadows and bowls of Mission Ridge, and behind them is the gorge of the Bridge River Canyon; the British Columbia Railway skirts the water's edge at their base, in some places being built on piers into the water's depths. The cliffs are visible from the eastern end of the lake, but only the part on the right in this photo is visible from that direction. Note the pointed spire to the left of the summit; viewed from closer up it is a huge spearhead overhang; a major rock chute lies beneath it in this picture's shadows.

The Tsal'alhmec (People of the Lake) of the Stl'atl'imx Territory are the direct descendants of the people who have inhabited the lands around Seton Lake since time immemorial.

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Photo of Seton Lake and Valley


A History of Seton Lake

Seton Lake Bluffs

Seton Lake