Warrand for putting Thomas Seytoun to libertie



·                            Charles I: Manuscript

·                            1644, 4 June, Edinburgh, Parliament

·                            Parliamentary Register

·                            Tertio Julii 1644

·                            Warrant: for putting Thomas Seaton to liberty


The estates of parliament, haveing hard and considdered the supplicatione givine in to them be Thomas Seatoun, brother to the laird of Meny, beirand that he is detenit in prisone within the tolbooth of Edinburgh in great miserie without any cause, nevir haveing wronged any or had intentione to doe any hurt or prejudice to the cuntrie, bot to doe them all the best service he could wpoun there imployment, and drivine to great distres and miserie be the long imprisonment, nather haveing bed nor money to get interteinment, and therfore desyreing warrand to the proveist and baillies of Edinburgh to put him to libertie or els modificatione of his interteinment, as the supplicatione proportes. The saids estates of parliament ordeanes the said Thomas Seytoun, supplicant, to be put to libertie forth of the tolbooth of Edinburgh wher he remaines presentlie incarcerat, Thomas Erskene of Balhakartie acting himselfe and becomeing catione for the said Thomas Seatoun, supplicant, to present him before the presbetrie of Edinburgh the nixt presbetrie day, viz: the tent day of Julii instant, and that he shall there in face of presbetrie sueire and subscryve the Nationall Covenant of this kingdome and the league and covenant betuixt the thrie kingdomes of Scotland, Ingland and Ireland. Conforme to the quhilke ordinance the said Thomas Erskene of Ballhakarty, personally present, becam actit and obleist himselfe as cationer for the said Thomas Seytoune, supplicant, to the effect abovespecified. In respect quherof, the saides estates ordeanes the saids proveist and baillies of Edinburgh to put the said Thomas Seatoun, supplicant, to liberty forth of the said tolbooth where he remaines incarcerat in maner foirsaid, quheranent thir presentes shallbe ane sufficient warrand; and if neid beis ordenes lettires to be directed heirwpoun to the effect abovespecified.