Irish Seton/Seaton Grave Notes


Graveyard Name : Donaghenry Old

County : Tyrone

Civil Parish : Donaghenry

Town / Townland : Glebe (Derryloran also Donaghenry)

Here lieth the body of Mary Seaton who departed this life May 9th 1781 aged
19 years. Also Thomas Seaton who departed this life 14th May 1811 aged 84
also his son Thomas who departed this life 19th June 1818 aged 44 years.
Also Jane Seaton also departed this life 18th Novr. 1828 aged 103 years.

Graveyard Name : Donaghadee CI

County : Down

Civil Parish : Donaghadee

Town / Townland : Donaghadee

Other Information : [MD VIII, 512 Upright slate headstone, no longer

This is Hugh Nevin's buiring place Here lyeth the body of Hugh SEATON who
died March 24 1764 aged 64 years Also his wife Jane Nevin who died Decr 11
1771 aged 71 years.


Graveyard Name : St. Patricks

County : Down

Civil Parish : Newry

Town / Townland : Newry

Other Information : [Slate slab]

Here lieth the remains of George Seton, the lineal descendant of the Earls
of Wintoun and Tranent, Captn in the 7th Regt Royal Fusiliers and S
Inspector of Constabulary at Newry He died on the 30th day of Novr 1845
aged 58 years This tomb is raised to his memory by his affectionate widow
Ann Seton.

 County : Tyrone                                                           
 Civil Parish : Derryloran                                                 
 Town / Townland : Tullagh                                                 
 Other Information : [Marble pillar and statue] [20 June. The will [with   
 one codicil] of Thomas Seaton, late of 11 Cliftonville Avenue, Belfast,   
 gentleman, who died 21st May 1892 at same place was proved at Belfast by  
 Elizabeth Seaton of 11 Cliftonville Avenue, widow of the executors.       
 Effects ?3,846 18s 4d.]                                                   
      In loving memory of Thomas Seaton, who departed this life 21st May   
    1892, aged 72 years. Also his wife Elizabeth who departed this life 9th
    November 1905, aged 76 years. Also their daughter Jane Grace Seaton BA 
    who died at Assmannsnausen, Germany, on 22nd June 1907, aged 37 years. 
      ?I am the resurrection and the life" ? John XI.25. Seaton LHS. Also  
    their son John Stewart Seaton, who died at Irvinestown, Co Fermanagh on
                       6th December 1908 aged 38 years.                    

  Graveyard Name : Annahilt CI                                             
  County : Down                                                            
  Civil Parish : Annahilt                                                  
  Town / Townland : Glebe                                                  
  Other Information : [A horizontal stone on the ground, broken in two - a 
  memorial to the ministers of Annahilt Presbyterian Church In two cases   
  Killen's History of the Congregations gives different dates which are    
  noted in brackets below It seems possible that the dates on the stone are
  in fact burial dates]                                                    
     Repaired by the congregation of Anahilt in the year 1853 in memory of 
    their ancient pastors here interred Here rests in the Lord the body of 
    the Reverend John McBroom, minister of the Gospel first at Portpatrick,
    afterward at Anahilt, who, having faithfully laboured for the space of 
     20 years, died on the 7th July 1682 Also the body of the Rev Charles  
     SEATON who laboured faithfully in the work of the ministry of Anahilt 
    for the space of 30 years and died August 30th [27th] 1737 aged 64 And 
    also the body of the Revd John SEMPLE who laboured faithfully with the 
    work of the ministry at Anahilt for the space of 9 years and died March
     28th [24th] 1758 aged 52 Also the body of the Revd Robert McCLURE who 
     died on the 11th of May in the year of Our Lord 1823 in the 92nd year 
    of his age and 63rd of his ministry in the Presbyterian congregation of Anahilt.