George Seton, 5th Lord Seton



During his brief career he completed cetain portions of the house at Seton, and repaired the great dungeon.  He was also a generous benefactor to his Collegiate Church.  By his first wife, Lady Janet Hepburn, daughter of Patrick, first Earl of Bothwell, he had, besides a daughter Mariota (or Marion), who in 1530 married Hugh, second Earl of Eglinton, three sons, the first and third of whom died young, and the second succeeded to the title.  This lord was very familiar with the chivalrous King James IV, and was among the valiant ones who died at Flodden beside him on September 19, 1513.  His body was brought home and buried with great lamentation in the choir of Seton Church beside his father.


Lady Seton continued a widow until her death, forty-five years after, and was a wise mother to her children and grandchildren and a very pious woman.  Sir Richard Maitland enumerates some of her many benefactions to Seton Church – a silver processional cross, sacred vessels, rich and complete sets of vestments, antependiums of fine woven arras, besides adding new furniture to the revestry, founding two more prebends, and enlarging the priest’s chambers near the church, parts of which remain.  When her son came of age she retired to the Convent of Saint Catherine of Siena, at Edinburgh, of which she was a large benefactress, as others of her family had been before.  The Bull by which it’s foundation was confirmed is dated January 29, 1517.  It was the last religious community brought together in Scotland before the disestablishment of the Catholic Church: The Douglasses of Glenbervie and the Lauders of Bass joined with the Seton’s in obtaining the Bull of Pope Leo X; and John Cant, a pious citizen with his wife Agnes Kerkettel, were also contributors.


Lady Seton died in this convent in 1558.  Her body was honorably transported to Seton, and buried in the choir of the church beside her husband.