The Seton's of Cariston
John Seton    
b  1532  
m Isabel Balfour of Cariston, heiress
George Seton   John Seton
b 1554   Capt. In Scots Guards in France
m Margaret Ayton of Ayton m daughter of Count de Bourbon
they had several children had children
George Seton   John daughter
b 1585   Officer in Scots Guards m Adinston of that Ilk
m Cecilia Kynynmond m French Lady
of Kynynmond   Settled on estate named
(whose mother was    Coulonniers, Meaux, France.
Marion Seton of Parbroath)          
they had several children          
  Jean de Seton Henry   Angelique 4 dau
George Seton   Isabella m Claud
b 1622   m Sir George de Bertin
declined a Knighthood Seton of Parbroath de Relincourt
was close to 2nd   Knight
Earl of Dunfermline  
Fought at the Battle  
of Bothwell Bridge  
m Margaret Seton  
of Olivestob, heiress  
they had several children
d 1688, aged 66.  
Christopher Seton Alexander
b 1645   Capt.  Under General Dalyell's
was a Lieutenant Troop of Horse at Pentland
in a Troop of Horse m a daughter of Lindsay of Pitscandly
m Elizabeth Lindsay and had one child who died young.
of Woolmerston
they had 3 children
George     Christopher Catherine
b 1688   b 1645 m John Lindsay
m 1st Margaret Boswell m Elizabeth Adair of Kirkforthar
of Balmutto   daughter to John Adair
m 2nd Margaret Law   Royal Geographer of Scotland
of Brunton   they had several children
d 9th June, 1760   d 1718, aged 73.    
1st 2nd        
George Seton Christopher James Seton William-Carden Seton
m Jean Seton died of the Coast b 1729 b 1775
his cousin (?) of Guinea, 1744 Engaged in the '45 Colonel in the Army 
they had several never married taken prisoner, saved by Earl and Companion of the Bath
children   of Crawford, Served in Commanded Eighty-eighth Reg.
d 2nd Nov. 1762 Holland, 1747, m ? in Peninsular War
  d 2nd Feb. 1817 m ?
          they had several children
      d 24th March, 1842
George Seton Christopher Margaret Seton    
b 1752 b 1754 m Henry Seton  
sold Cariston Officer in 54th Reg. of Culbeg   Miles-Charles
in 1774 in 1776 in American War had 1 son   m Mary-Ursula, daughter
Was Lieutenant as well as Flanders   in 1841, of Viscount Sidmouth
in 50th Reg. And   they had several children
Capt. In the 78th.        
Highlanders where he     ?
served in the East George Seton   Bertram Seton
Indies. b 6th Aug. 1769   b 1845
Sold his Commission at Leven   m Isabella-Mary Cotter
d 1797 Commander in the   they had children
never married. Honourable East India Co.      
Sea Service     ?
Well travelled throughout Malcolm Seton
the world, he returned to b 1872
Scotland and   Educated at Oxford,
m Margaret Hunter of Seaside worked in Indian Civil Service
12 January, 1809 (?)    
they had 1 son and 2 daughters ?
d 21st June, 1815  
George Seton, Esq.      
b June 25, 1822  
Studied at Oxford  
Member of the Royal Society  
of Antiquaries of Scotland  
Member of the Royal Archers  
(Her Majesty's bodyguard beyond the Tweed)
An accomplished writer, he travelled  
m 1st Sarah Elizabeth Hunter of Thurston  
m 2nd Amy Geraldine Moore of Boston USA.
d ?        